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Cultural and Media Policy Studies News and Events


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Welcome to our New Student Blog!

CCPS Student Blog

Students from the Centre for Cultural Policy Studies have a digital place to call their own in the form of a new student blog written by students for students. Catch up with their reflections, reports on life and study, loves and hates and where their Warwick journey is taking them here

Fri 17 Apr 2015, 13:39 | Tags: News Students Faculty of Arts

Centre for Cultural Policy Studies Co-hosts RSA Workshop: Back to the Future? The Growing Importance of the Artisan to the Regional Economy

Masters students, Diana Trantina (Russia) and Dana Muntean (Moldova) from the Centre's MA in Creative and Media Enterprises were appointed as Royal Society of the Arts Fellows in November 2013 to conduct an extensive study into artisanship in the twenty-first century and investigate how innovation and entrepreneurship can be cultivated, particularly within post-industrial regions such as the West Midlands.

Dana and Diana will present their interim findings from the Artisan 21 Catalyst Project together with Paul Hardin Kapp, a Fullbright Scholar from the University of Illinois, currently based at the University of Birmingham, who will present his current research on how and why heritage places, specifically post-industrial ones such as the Jewellery Quarter, Sheffield's Little Mester Yards, and Ironbridge, are suitable spaces for innovation and entrepreneurship.

The workshop will take place 6.00 - 8.00pm on Tuesday 3rd June 2014 with refreshments and networking afterwards in G50, Millburn House. Please email Ruth Leary if you would like to attend or require further details;


Thu 29 May 2014, 13:28 | Tags: Events News Students Faculty of Arts

MA Student Dissertations

The best of last year's MA dissertations are now available via the Centre's online publications page. Once again the work covers a wide range of subjects, from the 'sharing economy' of the couch surfing website Airbnb, through intellectual property rights in China, the 'seven basic plots' in advertising to a political economy analysis of Google. Congratulations to the authors, Katie Finley, Xiao Ma, Sandra Kaliszewski and Callum Goodwilliam. The winners were awarded a small prize at our annual degree congregation and we look forward to congratulating next year's winners in January 2015! Click here to read more.

Tue 18 Mar 2014, 21:40 | Tags: Alumni, Students

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