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Cultural and Media Policy Studies News and Events


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Dr David Wright: Culture At Home During Lock down

Dr David Wright discusses culture during lock down

Tue 12 May 2020, 08:40 | Tags: Publications, News, Online

Culture Conversations Online Workshop: Utopia

Culture Conversations is going online for an interactive hour-long Zoom workshop on the topic of Urban Utopia.

About this Event

This month’s discussion will be led by award-winning poet Inua Ellams. Inua founded The Midnight Run fifteen years ago, a project inspired by music, poverty, global migration and the search for community. Inua will explain how this project came about, and how to use poetry and psychogeography to build a utopia. Participants should come prepared to write a poem!

Thu 07 May 2020, 14:30 | Tags: Events, News, Online

Creativity and Idea Generation Summer Programme 2020 [goes online]

The wonderful and enterprising Clare Green managing the Creative and Digital Communities Initiative at Warwick is focussing on creativity and idea generation during this pandemic period and last week she produced three videos of talks to share with all students and colleagues interested in media, creativity and social media influencing.

Express you creativity with Tik Tok:

Finding Freelance Work in Lockdown:

Standing out from the Crowd:


There are lots of great sessions planned, details of the summer plan are here:

Tue 05 May 2020, 15:18 | Tags: Events Students Faculty of Arts Industry Education Online

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