A Selective List of Past Major Projects
Alderson, Jayne: Challenges of the past: history, public memory and national identity in Berlin since 1989 (2007)
Akazawa, Tomoki: What is Cultural Policy Evaluation? Incompatibilities of Postmodern Value and Modern Evaluation (2001)
Albu, Cristina: Negotiations over Spatial Configuration in Contemporary Art Galleries and Museums (2004)
Allwood, Kate: Resale Price Maintenance for Books: An Anachronism (1998)
Aquilina, Orlane: Is there an audience for the European cinema? The impact of the American film industry in Europe. (2000)
Anderson, Barbara: The Implications of Emerging Technologies for Museums in the UK (2001)
Aston, Josie: Urban regeneration and cultural policy: a case of wishful thinking? (1999)
Ball, Rebecca: From multi-culturalism to cultural hybridity: an examination of the theoretical and artistic consequences of policies of diversity for the British dance sector (2000)
Balta-Portoles, Jordi: Music policy in Catalonia (2000)
Bangham, Emma: Real or Imagined? An exploration of the accusations that 'high' art is dumbing down in an attempt to be more accessible (2006)
Baxter, Lisa: A new experience of performance for a new generation of attenders (1994)
Beazley, Alexander: The Power of Culture and a Culture of Power (2009)
Beckman, Caroline: In a globalised, digital television environment are policies in the UK based on a concept of public service broadcasting becoming outdated? (2004)
Belfiore, Eleonora: The arts as a tool towards social inclusion: a new rationale for 21st-century British cultural policy (2000)
Besford, Anne: Putting Theory into Practice: Consciousness, Identity and Cultural Policy (2001)
Bilton, Chris: Cultural Democracy in the 1990s (1994)
Bjørnsen, Egil: The artist and the market: An investigation into the response of artists to working under different economic conditions (1995)
Brindisi, Jennifer: European Cultural Identity and its Impact on Turkey's bid for EU Membership (2010)
Brisset, Valerie: Cultural Networks in Europe: a stepping stone for European Cultural Co-operation? (1999)
Brooker, Melanie: An investigation into the relationship between the arts and commerce (1997)
Bucchi, Valentina: The European Capital of Culture (ECOC) For Regional Cultural Development (RCD): A Study about the ECOC Scheme's suitability as a RCD policy tool (2009)
Butter, Michaela: Four Towns Project: An assessment of the artistic cultural policies of Halle, Karlsruhe and Nancy in relation to Nottingham, using selected Council of Europe papers on urban cultural policy as a method of evaluation (1993)
Cahill, Benjamin: Influences on and effects of New Labour cultural policy (2006)
Caldwell, Diane: To what extent should Canadian International Cultural Policy be a tool of other Canadian Foreign policy goals rather than an end in itself? (2005)
Carlick, Diana: Maecenas: a measure of market capitalism? Varieties of Capitalism and Business Sponsorship of the Arts in France with reference to Britain (2004)
Case, Sally: Included or Excluded? An investigation into the cultural recognition of twentieth century heritage resources (2008)
Chandler, Peter: The State of Independence: An analysis of independence in the UK popular music industry (1994)
Cheng, Shu-Fang: An analysis of cultural decentralisation in Taiwan (1995)
Chetwood, Matthew: Selective Neo-Liberalism: The British Film Industry and Conservative Party Politics 1979-1990 (2008)
Clayton, Diane: Scales of economy and spheres of influence: A comparative study of opera provision in Germany and Britain (1995)
Cregan, Sinead: Music and National Identity in Ireland: Tradition and Modernity Side by Side? (1999)
Crowley, Ann: The changing environment for broadcasters (1993)
Davies, Louisa: Folk Revivals? Ideology, frameworks and the English folk music scene (2001)
Davis, Rachel: Is there a future for regional television in Great Britain? (1993)
de Lisle, Katharine: The Education Role of Museums and Art Galleries: Rationales, Policy and Practice (2001)
Dean, Bronya: Cultural Diversity in Mainstream Arts Organisations (1998)
DeVlieg, Mary: Ann Approaches to European Co-productions: Exploring the 'borders in our heads' (1993)
Diapouli, Angeliki: The 'Politics' of the Elgin Marbles (2003)
Dilger, Anja: The role of Cultural Diplomacy in transnational urban relations illustrated by the case of Birmingham City Council (2010)
Dodd, Nicholas: The struggle for the management of the arts in the transition to a new South Africa (1994)
Dooley, Sarah Jane: Acting on the Social: New Labour's cultural policies and their impact on the subsidised sector (2001)
Dray, Helen: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Taste in Art Music (2005)
Durand, Douglas: Vancouver's Culture Plan 2008-2018: A Critical Review (2009)
Duzyk, Natalia: Art in the Face of Political Transformation. The Impact of the Fall of Communism on Cinema in Poland (2009)
Field, Victoria: What is poetry for? (1996)
Fielden, Clare: The end of cultural policy? Cultural policy, politics and postmodernism (1997)
Fukumura, Kumiko: The British National Theatre: Arts, commerce and the state (1997)
Gan, Sharon: Exploring the Values of Independent Cinemas in UK: The Relationship between Art, Economics and Society (2007)
Garcia Franco, Marco: A difference for the better? New Labour's discourse on Creativity (2008)
Geary, Frank: European Policies for Intercultural Dialogue: a Critical Analysis of European Union and Council of Europe Approaches (2007)
Gerstenecker, Quirin: Managing Diversity - Identity in Difference? Intercultural dialogue and British cultural policies (2008)
Ghosh, Shreela: Is radical art compatible with capitalism? (1998)
Gialidis, Vasileois: Beyond Entertainment: Cinema as a Self-Help and Therapeutic Tool (2005)
Gillibrand, Joanne: Towards a post-industrial society (1995)
Greenaway, Clair: Bloomsbury Connections to British Cultural Development: an examination of the significance of the Bloomsbury Group in shaping cultural attitudes and contributing to cultural policy discourse (2003)
Guedj, Yanai: Was jazz the major artistic event of the 20th century? (1997)
Gunn, Rosalind: Breaking the concrete collar? Public art and the construction of place - a study of Birmingham's Eastside (2010)
Hamilton, Mary: Children and the Creative Force: Wordsworth and Gaugin meet Wallace and Grommit (1998)
Han, Heekyung: Why the East looks West: An examination of why South Korea has adopted the European model of Cultural Policy (2010)
Harnak, Irem: The Representation of Black Cultural Identity through Popular Music (2002)
Harris, Jessica: What is Cultural Diversity and What are the Implications for Cultural Policy? (2001)
Helliwell, Donna: Japan's Portrayal of the 'foreign': a reaffirmation of Japanese identity and cultural homogeneity? (2002)
Hetherington, Stephen: The Role of Culture in the Devolution of the United Kingdom (2006)
Hicks, Claire: Is There a Case for Placing Public Art in Residential Contexts? (2002)
Highwood, Natalie: Culture in city development: The 1990s and Beyond (1996)
Hodneland, Nina: Is there a gap between how the Ministry of Foreign Affairs handles Norway's international cultural relations and what the artistic milieu wants? (2004)
Hopkins, Marcie: Beauty and the Sublime - Concepts and Perceptions in Contemporary Art (2002)
Hui, Cheung Man: Outsourcing Culture: An inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Corporate Support of Culture (2006)
Hyam, Toby: Multimedia and the arts: New technology - old ideas? An evaluation of the impact of multimedia as a creative medium and communicative tool currently used by artists, performers, and cultural institutions in Great Britain (1994)
Isles, Sarah: Art for Art's Sake? A critical examination of the politics and practice of philanthropy in the arts (2005)
Kajihara, Tamiko: The Incompatibility of Arts Education with Cultural Policy in Japan (2005)
Karali, Maria-Dimitra: The Relationship between Art and Commerce in the Music Industry: a study of the Greek art song (2003)
Kato, Ruri: World Music - Whose World is it? An assessment of the impact of globalisation on cultural diversity (2002)
Kerasidou, Eleanna: "My Own Personal Museum" - How can New Media and Interactive Technologies Enhance and Personalise the Museum Experience, On-site and Online (2009)
Kim, Sung-II: Cinema and the State: A Study of the French and U.S. Film Industries (1999)
Kim, Terry: Arts Marketing in the UK: a critical review and evaluation (1998)
Kim, Young-In: Regional Cultural Policy in South Korea: a case study of Gwangjun and Busan (2010)
Kivity, Sharon, and Wilkinson, Jac: Mushrooming Festivals (1994)
Kouri, Maria: Repertoire and Accessibility: the influence of of Romantic ideas on the role of art in society on the programming policies of four opera venues (2001)
Krarup, Peter: Opening the doors: access to cultural venues for family audiences in the United Kingdom (2000)
Krimke, Vanessa: Cultural developments in Germany since reunification, with special reference to theatre in Berlin (1993)
Krimmel, Julia: Brave New World of Pop: An investigation of popular culture and its impact on fine art museums (2003)
Lasen, Giulia: Non-profit space for contemporary art, founded and financed by collectors (2008)
Lepetit, Laurence: The stakes of Cultural Heritage in nationalist conflicts. Case Study: Kosovo (2007)
Lin, Shih-Wen: Between National Identity and Economic Development Taiwanese Film Policy 1949-2004 (2004)
Litvinoff, Adrian: Contemporary Jazz and Improvised Music: The status and recognition of British musicians in Britain, Germany, Austria and The Netherlands, and the conditions in which they work (1993)
Long, Anna: A means or an end? The role of culture in regional and local strategic planning: a case study of the West Midlands (2008)
Lounasto, Sanna: Film as a Site of Resistance and Identity Building for Women: a postfeminist point of view (2002)
Lungershausen, Ulrike: From Dissonance to Harmony: The Eurovision Song Contest as Sympton and Solution of Europe's Identity Crisis (2008)
Martin-Doyle, Katherine: An assessment of the potential long-term effects on the arts of the National Lottery (1995)
Mazeau, Johanne: Television and European transnational identity: the French-German Cultural Channel Arte, a model for the European audio-visual policy? (1999)
Meckinskaite, Egle: A Matter of Identity: Cultural Policy of Cultural Diversity in Britain (2009)
Middleton-Lajudie, Elina: The Future of International Co-operation: the role of contemporary visual artists in Slovenia in rethinking the identity of eastern Europe, 1989-2000 (1999)
Miyagi, Kumi: Towards Truly Sustainable Cross-cultural Audience Development: the policy and practice of culturally diverse audience development in the UK (2003)
Morgan, Ellen: Protection and Control: A Comparative Study of Theatre and Film Censorship in Britain 1900-1968 (2008)
Murtha, Rebecca: The Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict: its failure, its future and the former Yugoslavia (2003)
Najjarine, Nadia: The European Capitals of Culture programme: a means to a European end? In search of Stavanger's "European dimension" (2008)
Neilsen, Linda: Changing Relationships? Digital arts & the arts funding system (1997)
Nishihara, Sakiko: Japanising Citizens: how culture was used to discipline individual subjectivity, 1868-1945, Japan (1999)
Noh, Seong Lim: The Inculturation policy of Catholicism in Korea (2010)
Oakes, Vanessa: Women playwrights: the influences and effects of financial and organisational constraints with specific reference to England (2000)
Olsen, Solveig Helene: From Postmodernism to 'ISO-ism'? A dissertation on the issue of 'quality' in relation to Norwegian cultural policy from the 1970s to the 1990s (1999)
Palka, Adrian: Görlitz - A Bridge to the East: A study into cross-border cultural co-operation as an aspect of municipal cultural policy in the German frontier town of Görlitz (1993)
Park, Myeong: Sun Effectiveness of government film policy in France (1997)
Plötz, Jürgen: Papal Cultural Policy since the Second Vatican Council (2002)
Pouliot, Arabelle: Opera management in Italy: An analysis of current policy weaknesses and an identification of new opportunities and limitations (1996)
Poyner, Victoria: The role of independent cinema exhibition within the European film industry (1995)
Priest, Chloe: How successfully have audience development campaigns altered the size and nature of audiences for classical music in Britain since 1990? (2001)
Ransford, Emily: The Effects of Globalisation on the British Film Industry (2002)
Riddell, Adam: Living in Limbo: To what extent does a 'small island status' inform a 'small island cultural policy'? (2005)
Rimmer, Sarah: Including Inclusion: a study of the extent to which social inclusion policies are integrated into the core activity of arts organisations (2003)
Roberts, Alun: Culture and the Community: The development of cultural policy in the European Community (1993)
Roberts, Emma: How the Ordinary Became Extraordinary: Cultural Identity in Liverpool (2005)
Rottenberg, Rufus: Symphonic Variations: An international comparative evaluation of orchestra repertoire and funding (1995)
Sakellariou, Penelope: A Study of the Ancient Greek and Modern Greek Olympics: their meaning (2001)
Schad, Anke: A revival of the Kulturnation? Critical reflections on national cultural policy in the Federal Republic during the Schroeder era (2006)
Shaw, Clayton: Can the use of social media technology support the work of arts organisations? A comparative study between Spain and the UK (2008)
Shuker, Jill: Live music-making in rural areas: A dying or a flourishing tradition? A comparative study of amateur music in Sweden and the United Kingdom (1995)
Silvester, Jessica: Why are wind orchestras and ensembles and the wind repertoire not accepted as a professional art form in this country? What measures can be taken to improve the status of wind orchestras and their music? (1996)
Small, Kit: What is the Significance of the Rhetoric of 'Culture for Civil Renewal'? (2006)
Smith, Joel: Television and the Online World: The lessons of The Net (1995)
Spencer, Rachel: Cultural diplomacy: UK policy and practice with regard to the Middle East (2010)
Stevens, Bev: Cultural Policy and Dance Theatre: A comparative study of England and Germany with specific reference to Yolande Snaith theatredance and Mind the Gap tanztheater (1995)
Sutcliffe, Rachel: The Right to Fail and the Fight to Survive: an evaluation of the experience of state support in the English Theatre System (1999)
Swales, Jo-Anne: Images of Wales: the role of professional theatre in creating a nation and its cultural identity (1999)
Synmoie, Valerie: Multi-cultural education: The seeds of a true cultural democracy? (1994)
Tang, Edwina: Traditional Arts in Singapore: A New Milieu? (2010)
Taylor, Lauren: Policy into Practice: Is there a paradox at the centre of audience development in museums? (2005)
Teneva, Krassimira: Bulgarian cultural policy development and the process of European integration: Can cultural policy be changed under outside pressure? (2004)
Thomas, Anne: The Role of Literature and the Writer in Post-Soviet Russia (2001)
Timms, Christina: The Politics of Festival: free festivals as a tool of cultural policy, arts marketing and political campaign; ArtsFest in Birmingham and the Festa de l'Unita of the Democratici di Sinistra in Italy (1999)
Touati, Barbara: A closer look into the world of arts centres: programming and marketing implications of multidisciplinarity (1998)
Toubhantz, Jean-Alexis: Preserving and promoting the Art Nouveau legacy today: An historical and European comparative analysis of the strategies carried out in Brussels (Belgium), Glasgow (UK) and Nancy (France) (2005)
Tsang, Sylvia: Government intervention in Hollywood & the French film industry: Rationales & motives (1997)
Tsesmeli, Alexandra: European Public Service Broadcasting in the 21st Century: The Role and Prospects of Public Television in the New, Digital Environment (2005)
Uehara, Terumi: The effects of Americanisation on the British film industry and culture (1995)
Virrels, Selena: The composer and his audience: A lost relationship (1997)
Viney, Rachel: Placebo or Wonder Drug? The Impact of Government Policy on the UK Film Industry - 1979 to the present (2001)
Voges, Deborah: What art galleries / museums 'tell' us about their communities. A comparative study of the curatorial criteria of art galleries / museums in the United Kingdom and Argentina in the period January-December 1999 (2001)
Wang, Li-Jung: National Identity of Taiwan: a review and evaluation in cultural policy (1949-1999) (1999)
Wang, Rosa: An evaluation of the effects of education and marketing activities on passive participation in the arts (1995)
Wesner, Simone: Continuity and Change - Dresden's galleries in 1989 and 1995: A comparative study of cultural management in Dresden's galleries and of its implications on cultural policy before and after German unification (1995)
Wesseler, Sarah: Independent Film and American Public Television (2004)
Weston, Kate: A comparative analysis of artist promotion in the music industry in Sweden, France and the UK: A look at the development of the pan-European market and how these have effected the promotion of artists (1993)
Weyden, Anne: The challenges of co-operation between the Council of Europe and the European Union (1996)
Whitehead, Anya: Artists in the Public Domain: An investigation of the development of a public art programme in an inner-city context in the UK (1996)
Wild, Lauren: "Measuring the unmeasurable": evidencing the social efficacy of community and education initiatives in the arts (2010)
Wilson, Gillian: An evaluation of educational and training provision for the cultural sector in Sweden, with reference to provision in the United Kingdom (1994)
Winge, Camilla: The Norwegian Film Business: contradictory policy and conflicts of interest (1999)
Woddis, Jane: An investigation into the education work of arts organisations in Britain in the 1990s (1996)
Wolf Perez, Emma: Culture at the EC: A European Cultural Policy? (1993)
Wood, Sian: Cultural Puritanism: can modern cultural puritanism in Britain find a precedent in the puritan past? (2003)
Xuereb, Karsten: How does cultural policy in the European Union address the impact of migration on identity and social integration? (2005)
Ye, Qing: The Role of Metropolitan Government in the Cultural Policy: A Comparative Study between London and Shanghai (2008)
Yu, Frieda: Cultural policy in post-war Taiwan: An analysis of government rationales, objectives and policies (1995)
Yuk, Joo Won: Multiculturalism in a Homogeneous Nation: An Examination of Policy Discourse and Practice on Multiculturalism in South Korea (2009)
Zhao, Ying: Valuable experience of the success of South Korean film industry can inspire Chinese film industry in its current transformation era (2005)
Zielke, Ingmar: Neoliberalism, Media and Globilisation - Media Policies in the USA and Europe in the 1980s and their implications on Globalisation (2009)
Zolotonosa, Marija: National Identity in a Multi-Ethnic State: in Search of a Conflict Resolution in Latvia (2010)
Zolotova, Lyubov Y: The Motives behind Business Support of the Arts: The Case for Socio-Cultural Factor. Comparative study in Russia and the UK (2007)
The MA Major projects listed above are available, by appointment, for consultation in the Centre for Cultural and Media Policy Studies. In order to arrange an appointment, please contact Kate Brennan at the Centre on +44(0) 24 765 23020 or by email to c.brennan@warwick.ac.uk