Asep Muizudin Muhamad Darmini
I am a second year PhD student in Media and Communication. For my doctoral study, I am fully funded by the Indonesian Endowment Fund for Education (Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan/LPDP), Ministry of Finance Republic of Indonesia. Prior to my doctoral study at Warwick, I worked as a lecturer in Faculty of Communication, Sumbawa University of Technology, Indonesia. I obtained a bachelor degree in Communication Studies from Gadjah Mada University in Indonesia and a master degree in Global Communications and International Politics from the University of Hull in the UK.
Research interests
My research project aims to analyse the online escapism among young people in the Indonesian Islamic boarding school (Pondok Pesantren). Based on a Foucaldian discourse of discipline and punish, this research aims to identify the shifting identity of the young people as a student in a disciplined religious school and as a citizen of the secular and chaotic digital world. As a former student of a boarding school, I will also utilise the autoethnography approach in the study. At the Centre, my doctoral project is supervised by Dr Joanne Garde-Hansen.