School of Creative Arts, Performance and Visual Cultures Bookcase
SCAPVC Virtual Bookcase

The Politics of Nordsploitation: History, Industry, Audiences
Pietari Kääpä & Tommy Gustafsson
January 2021

Media and Water: Communication, Culture and Perception
Joanne Garde-Hansen
January 2021

Theory for Theatre Studies: Memory
Milija Gluhovic
November 2020

Irusan: Or, Canting for Architects
Nicholas Drofiak
October 2020

Contemporary Art Biennials in Europe
Nicholas Whybrow
September 2020

English Theatre and Social Abjection: A Divided Nation
Nadine Holdsworth
August 2020
Performances of Authorial Presence and Absence: The Author Dies Hard
Silvija Jestrovic
June 2020

The Role of Today's Museum
Clive Gray & Vikki McCall
April 2020

Social Entrepreneurship and Neoliberalism: Making Money While Doing Good
Carolina Bandinelli
December 2019

Shakespeare in the Theatre: Peter Hall
Stuart Hampton-Reeves
May 2019

Remembering British Television: Audience, Archive and Industry
Joanne Garde-Hansen & Kristyn Gorton
March 2019

The Palgrave Handbook of Creativity at Work
Lee Martin & Nick Wilson
July 2018

Environmental Management of the Media: Policy, Industry, Practice
Pietari Kääpä
May 2018

The Disappearing Product: Marketing and Markets in the Creative Industries
Chris Bilton
September 2017