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Cultures of the Left in the Age of Pandemic: Slow University

The topic of this session is Slow University, asking if this crisis could be an Our speaker included:

Milena Dragicevic Sesic (University of Arts, Belgrade)

Mark Fleishman (University of Cape Town)

Maria Estrada Fuentes (Royal Holloway, London)

Emine Fisek (Theatre and Performance, Boğaziçi University)

Olivera Jokic (English and Gender Studies, CUNY)

Silvija Jestrovic (Warwick University)

The session host was: Milija Gluhovic (Warwick University)

We used the following readings as our point of departure:

1) Corey Robin’s /The Pandemic Is the Time to Resurrect the Public University’ from The New Yorker:

2) R. H. Lossin and Andy Battle, ‘Higher Education in the Age of Coronavirus’

 3) Mark Fleishman’s short essay ‘Resisting Production: The Slow Politics of Theatre’

 4) Masha Gessen’s article from The New Yorker, which may be interesting in relation to a left pedagogy:

 5) Paul B. Preciado’s ‘Learning from the Virus’ from Artforum could be stimulating for our discussion too: