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PALATIUM conference: Paris 27-30 June, 2011

The conference, under the title 'Princes, Princesses and their Lodgings: A comparison of men's and women's lodgings among the elite of European aristocracy 1450-1650', will be held in Paris on 27-30 June, 2011.

This international conferfence forms part of the PALATIUM Research Networking Programme of the European Science Foundation, which focuses on Court Residences as places of Exchange in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe 1400-1700.

Full details and a registration form can be found via the home page of PALATIUM. (Click on the Programme Paris link on the New Information column.)

Fri 27 May 2011, 17:12 | Tags: old

Early Modern Exchanges

UCL Centre for Early Modern Exchanges Launch Conference15 – 17thSeptember 2011 Call for Papers


The Centre is seeking proposals for panels or individual papers that address the theme of intercultural exchanges 1450 – 1800. Contributors are encouraged to focus on the Centre’s themes: travel, exile and migration in early modern Europe and the New World; trade and flows of material as well as cultural goods within and beyond Europe; translation, translators and language learning; literary influence across national, provincial and linguistic borders; representations of intra- and extra-European ‘others’ in literature and art; religious and political interactions in the wake of the Reformation; occasions of significant cultural contact and/or heightened national anxiety; the production, circulation, and collection of books and manuscripts across Europe, the emergence of libraries and the book trade; dissemination and development of scientific and medical knowledge; Old worlds and New worlds, colonialism and ethnography; interplay between past and present, historiography, classical and medieval pasts, archaeology and material cultures. Anyone interested in offering a paper should send a short abstract (no more than 200 words) to the organizers, while panel convenors are asked to send a summary of the panel’s theme, a list of speakers with titles, institutional affiliations and abstracts by 17th January 2011. Organizers: Alexander Samson (, Helen Hackett (

Tue 27 Jul 2010, 16:48 | Tags: old

Italy and its Pasts

This Interdisciplinary conference, the annual conference 2010 of the Association for the Study of Modern Italy will be held at the Institute of Germanic and Romance Studies, University of London, 19-20 November 2010.

The confrence will examine the ways in which Italian 'pasts' (ancient, medieval and early modern) were and are conceived and mobilized within politics, society and culture from the eighteenth century to the present day.

Conference organisers: Martin Brown, Staffordshire University ( Melissa Calaresu, University of Cambridge ( and Paola Filippucci, University of Cambridge (

Mon 26 Jul 2010, 15:47 | Tags: old

Spanish/French Dynastic Marriages and Festivals 1612-1615

A Conference relating to Festivals celebrating dynastic marriages in France and Spain during the period 1612-1615 will be held at the Warburg Institute, University of London, on 18th and 19th March 2011. The Conference will set the Spanish/French alliances in their full artistic, cultural and political context.

The conference will be convened by Professor Margaret M McGowan and will lead to the publication of a volume of essays, edited by Professor McGowan with Professor Ronnie Mulryne and Dr Margaret Shewring, that will focus on Art and Architecture, Music and Ballet, Spanish/Italian Festivities, Fireworks, Equestrian Spectacle and on the European political reverberations of the 1612-1615 alliances.

For further details of the conference, including the full programme, click here: published on the Website 

Mon 26 Jul 2010, 15:35 | Tags: old