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COP26 Thematic research

The UK presidency of this year's COP has identified five key thematic campaigns around which it would like to focus discussion. Research makes a significant contribution to the knowledge and evidence required to support progress and positive change in these broad areas of climate action. Some of this research is highlighted through the links below and through our directory of researchers.Link opens in a new window

If you are a University of Warwick researcher and have a project you would like to highlight, we'd love to hear from you please contact

Adaptation and Resilience

Research that helps us to adapt and be more resilient to the impact of climate change.

Nature-based Solutions

Exploring ways to address the the twin threats of climate change and biodiversity loss.

Energy transition

To meet the Paris Agreement’s goals, we need the global transition to clean power to be at least four times faster than it is at present.

Clean Transport

Global emissions from road transport are rising faster than in any other sector. Road transport accounts for over 10% of global emissions, as well as causing high levels of local air pollution.

Earth from space

Climate Finance

How do we pay for climate initiatives in a way that is ethical and just for the most vulnerable populations?

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