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Transformations of Human-Environment Interactions to Sustainable Development

Abstract image

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Are you one of the next generation of transdisciplinary sustainability researchers?


TRANSFORM is a Leverhulme Trust Doctoral Scholarship Programme that provides a new research training pathway for sustainability science at Warwick, offering 18 PhD scholarships to train a new generation of transdisciplinary leaders who are able to address current and future sustainability challenges.

Our cohorts will be trained in transdisciplinary methods, enabling them to draw on skills from multiple disciplines and work effectively and equitably with non-academic partners to deliver impactful sustainable development research.

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Thematic areas

TRANSFORM will be structured as a four-year PhD programme focused on training students to have competence in a subject area that spans at least two disciplinary perspectives. The programme is organised in three initial thematic clusters.

Vibrant community

TRANSFORM will provide an enriching academic experience by offering significant opportunities to engage with peers and experts from a variety of sustainable development fields. This will include:

  • Early Career Researcher Network for Global Sustainable Development (ECR Network)
  • Monthly seminar series on Global Sustainable Development
  • Annual Research Symposium and Masterclasses
  • Access to Warwick’s Strategic Partners
  • Support to attend conferences, research costs, and one-off funding for a laptop