Thematic axes and key academic staff
Students will have a supervisory team composed of a mentor from a practice organisation as well as two academic supervisors from different disciplines across the social sciences/humanities and the sciences, broadly understood to encompass natural sciences, engineering and medicine. The cluster will build upon existing research project partnerships with non-academic partners such as: the Met Office, Coventry City Council, Environment Agency, British Geological Survey, UN FAO, Mass Observation Archive, the BBC.
Climate resilience and socio-environmental justice
This cluster draws on Warwick’s expertise in areas such as complex systems modelling, geographic information and critical research on environmental justice, enabling students to investigate transformations of human-environment interactions towards resilience to climate change and environmental risks. You can approach any suitable supervisor across the University to discuss your proposal. Potential academic supervisors might include:
Joanne has a background in Digital Media Cultures and will bring in expertise on sustainable flood memories and drought storytelling.
Professor Colm Connaughton, Mathematics Institute - Director of the Centre for Complexity Science
Colm has a background in mathematics and will bring in expertise on complex systems and applied data science.
Leon has a background in sociology and will bring expertise in climate justice, sociology of the environment and critical development studies.
Dr Greg McInerny, Centre for Interdisciplinary MethodologiesLink opens in a new window
Greg has a background in ecology and will bring in expertise in data science and information visualisation.