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From Baku to Belém: The Climate Finance Roadmap to COP 30

From Baku to Belém: The Climate Finance Roadmap to COP 30

WBS London, The Shard

Join us at WBS London at an event featuring leading experts and negotiators to review COP29 climate finance outcomes and develop strategies for just and equitable climate action leading up to COP30 in Belém, Brazil in November 2025.

4 March 2025

WBS London, The Shard

32 London Bridge Street

London SE1 9SG

About the Event:

Climate finance is central to meeting international legal climate obligations and driving policy and operational change on climate action locally, transnationally, and globally. The outcome of the 29th meeting of the Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) (COP29) in Baku Azerbaijan, November 2024 (dubbed the ‘Finance COP’) was a new global finance goal and a framework for raising ambition for climate finance in the run-up to COP30 in Belém, Brazil in November 2025. The agreement for a New Collective Quantified Goal (NCQG) commits developed countries to ‘lead’ on mobilising at least US$300 billion in climate finance annually by 2035 and sets into motion a pathway to work towards a scaling up of finance to US$1.3 trillion a year by 2035.

This event, organised under the auspices of the Warwick Climate Governance and Policy Nexus (NEXUS), the Warwick Sustainability Spotlight and the Climate Finance for Equitable Transition (CLiFT), will critically review the outcomes of COP29, assess the current state of climate finance negotiations and policy discussions leading into COP30, and to discuss just and equitable climate action. The event is also supported by the Centre for Law, Regulation and Governance of the Global Economy (GLOBE) and the Institute for Global Sustainable Development (IGSD).

Register your interest today to receive updates on the final programme and confirmed speakers. More details will be shared as they become available.

Why Attend?

The ’From Baku to Belém’ workshop, organised under the auspices of theWarwick Climate Governance and Policy Nexus (NEXUS)theWarwick Sustainability Spotlightand theClimate Finance for Equitable Transition (CLiFT)will serve as a platform for capacity building, policy advocacy, information dissemination, and networking. It will bring together academics, negotiators, policymakers, civil society groups and representatives from bilateral and multilateral finance institutions.

Engage with global experts and policymakers including:

  • Academics and Researchers: Academics and researchers working on climate finance and climate law, policy and governance.
  • Government: Policymakers, legislators and regulators interested in climate finance and multilateral climate negotiations.
  • International Organisations: Representatives from international organisations, such as the UNFCCC bodies and UNCTAD.
  • Civil Society: Rrepresentatives from non-governmetal organisations (NGOs) and civil society groups working on climate and sustainable development advcaocy and campaigning.
  • Financial Institutions: Banks, impact investors, and private sector players in renewable energy and green finance.

Speakers include:

  • Professor Kerry Kirwan, Deputy Pro-Vice Chancellor Research, University of Warwick
  • Rt Hon The Lord Teverson, Member House of Lords (Industry and Regulators Select Committee, and Honorary Fellow, IGSD
  • H.E. Adonia Ayebare, Chair, UNFCCC Subsidiary Body on Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) and Chair of the G77 and China, 2024
  • H.E. Wael Aboulmagd, Egypt Ambassador and Special Representative Special Representative of the COP27 President
  • David Bailey, Head of Global Climate Finance, UK Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO)
  • Vicente Paolo Yu, Senior Legal Advisor, Third World Network (TWN), Visiting Research Fellow, UN Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD), Associate Fellow, Geneva Center for Security Policy
  • Katie Swan-Nelson, Economic Affairs Officer, Climate and Development Strategies Unit, Division on Globalization and Development Strategies, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
  • Rebecca Thissen, Global Advocacy Lead, Climate Action Network (CAN) International
  • Dr Amiera Sawas, Head of Research and Policy, Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty (FFNPT) Initiative
  • Professor Celine Tan, Professor of International Economic Law, University of Warwick

  • Meena Raman, President, Friends of the Earth Malaysia and Head of Programmes, TWN

Are you a researcher interested in developing policy-relevant research in climate finance, law and governance ?

Join us for this focused afternoon session, where you will engage in capacity-building activities and policy discussions.

Successful applicants will be notified via email.