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A-level Biology

(Picture is credited to the journal article Cryptic footprints of rare earth elements on natural resources and living organisms [3]Link opens in a new window)

Rare earth elements (REEs) are used increasingly often in innovative technologies, causing these elements to enter the natural environment [1]Link opens in a new window. The extensive usage of REEs in different industries may eventually lead to severe contamination of the surrounding environment, agriculture, aquatic fauna, and soil, which might, in turn, cause severe damage to human health. Different studies were conducted to evaluate REEs’ toxicity effect in soil, water, model organisms, and humans working in close collaboration with the REEs field mentioned in recent times [2]Link opens in a new window.

Many research groups are studying the toxicity effects of different REEs due to REEs’ persistence in the environment for a long time. A group of researchers highlighted the use of local Moran’s I test in assessing the spatial statistical analysis of REEs contamination, especially in the hotspots of urban soil. They indicated that REEs enrichment in urban soils might occur due to the complex metal recycling sources, waste disposal, agricultural practices, and vehicular emission [2].




Rare Earth Elements Education Resources for Biology


[4]Link opens in a new window

Here, we summuarized education resources for teaching Rare Earth Elements in the Biology course in the following examboards:

Assessment and Qualifcations Alliance (AQA)

Biology  (AS 7401) (A-Level 7402) 

Topic 3.7.4: Populations in ecosystem (natural resources conservation and sustainability management) 


Biology A (Salters-Nuffield) 

Topic 5.15:  Climate change 

 Topic 5.22: Sustainability and natural resources 

Biology B

Topic 10.4: Human effects on ecosystems (Include climate change) 

Oxford, Cambridge and RSA Examinations (OCR)

Biology (H020, H420)

Module 4.2: Biodiversity (Climate change)  

Module 6.3.2: Population and Sustainability (Ecosystem, environmental resource management, and sustainability) 

For Further Curriculum information, please visit the following examboard website.

Assessment and Qualifcations Alliance (AQA)


Oxford, Cambridge and RSA Examinations (OCR)