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All Rare Earth Elements Education Resources

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BBC- The dystopian lake filled by the world’s tech lust

An article (written in a journalistic/immersive style and with various photos of the site) on the environmental costs of rare earth mining in Baotou, Inner Mongolia, one of the industrial centres of rare earth mining production, with a particular focus on the artificial toxic lake in Baotao, created to be a tailings pond.

China Wrestles with the Toxic Aftermath of Rare Earth Mining

An article on the toxic impacts and legacies of rare earth mining in China and the significant challenges and costs of clean-up operations

Metals in a Low-Carbon Economy: Resource Scarcity, Climate Change and Business in a Finite World

A report produced by experts from the Stockholm Environment Institute and Leeds Uni about REE, provides an overview of REE industry through business perspective

The Rare Earth Elements by the British Geological Survey

A report produced by the Natural Environmental Research Council of Britain. It talks every aspects of REE, such as chemistry, extraction, trading in the UK

US-China trade: what are rare-earth metals and what's the dispute?

An article by the Guardian discusses REE trading dispute and companies

Mon 28 Feb 2022, 10:40 | Tags: US, Rare Earth Element Process, China, Business, Economics

Rare earth elements

A brief introduction of REE, including periodic table and uses of REE made by the royal society of chemistry

Separation of Rare Earth Elements by Charles James

A brief history of the discovery of REE by Charles James by American Chemical Society

Rare Earth Element (Overview)

An encyclopedia about REE. This website includes the electronic structure and ionic radius, separation chemistry (Ion exchange, solvent extraction), the chemical process the prepare the REE metals, the properties of the metals (crystal structures, electrical properties...), compounds of REE, nuclear properties, and toxicity of REE

The dystopian lake filled by the world’s tech lust

An article discusses the REE mining pollution in China, provides lots of site pictures.

Recycling rare earths

A general review of REE recycling process- raise the question about existing REE recycling.

AI and the Environment III: Beyond Energy

An article talks about the impact of AI to REE sustainability.

Impact of Materials on Society (IMOS) - Rare Earth Elements

A video introduces REEs from material science and engineering perspective. Although it is an introduction for undergraduate students, it can be useful when learning designing and manufacturing low-carbon technology.

Rare-earth magnet recycling tech wins innovation award

An article discusses new technology to recycle REE and very useful for sustainable production

Rare earth mining in China: the bleak social and environmental costs

An article by the Guardian. It discussed the environmental consequences of unsustainable mining in China. It includes very interesting site maps and pictures (Check the references).

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