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Core module 2: Managing Intellectual Property

Intellectual property is the currency of creative and media enterprises. In this module you will examine the legal, policy and commercial mechanisms through which intellectual property is managed. Management refers to the exploitation and protection of intellectual property both by organisations and individuals and at the level of government policy and legislation. You will explore the conflicts between different legal, commercial and political imperatives for managing intellectual property through case studies, seminars and presentations by visiting experts.

Illustrative Bibliography

Boyle, James (1996): Shamans, Software and Spleens: Law and the construction of the information society (Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press)

Caves, Richard E (2000): Creative Industries: contracts between art and commerce (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press)

Goldstein, Paul (1994): Copyright’s Highway; from Gutenberg to the Celestial Jukebox ( New York: Hill & Wang)Harrison, Ann (2000): Music : the business : the essential guide to the law and the Deals (London : Virgin)

Howkins, John (2001): The Creative Economy: How People Make Money From Ideas (London: Penguin)

Hyde, Lewis (2010): Common as Air: Revolution, Art and Ownership (New York: Farrar Straus and Giroux)

Kearns, Paul (1998): The Legal Concept of Art (Oxford: Hart Publishing)

Lessig, Lawrence (2004): Free Culture ( New York: Penguin) and other publications

Lessig, Lawrence (1999): Code : and other laws of cyberspace ( New York: Basic Books)

McIntyre, Phillip (2012): Creativity and Cultural Production: issues for media practice (New York: Palgrave Macmillan)

Murray, Laura J (2014): Putting Intellectual Property in its place; rights discourses, creative labour and everyday creativity (New York: OUP)

Pang, Laikwan, (2012): Creativity and its discontents: China’s Creative Industries and Intellectual Property Rights Offenses (Durham, NC: Duke University Press)

Perzanowski, Aaron & Schultz, Jason (2016): The End of Ownership: Personal Property in the Digital Economy (Cambridge Massachusets: MIT Press)

Rose, Mark (1993): Authors and Owners; The Invention of Copyright (Harvard University Press, Cambridge Massachusetts, London England)

Stokes, Simon (2014): 4th Edition Digital Copyright: law and practice (Oxford: Portland Or: Hart)

Taplin, Bruce (2017): Move Fast and Break Things: How Google, Facebook and Amazon have Cornered Culture and What it Means for Us (London: PanMcMillan Ltd)

Vaidhyanathan, Siva (2001): Copyrights and copywrongs: the rise of intellectual property and how it threatens creativity (New York London: New York University Press)