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Student Nomination

The WATE scheme is aimed at awarding staff who can clearly demonstrate excellent teaching or support for teaching. This is your opportunity to recognise and reward a member of staff who has made your learning experience excellent.

The nomination should be endorsed by at least 4 students. You may wish to collaborate with your colleagues in completing the nomination form, or alternatively complete the form yourself and get 3 other students to support it. The deadline for nominations from students is now closed.

When you nominate a member of staff, it is important to clearly communicate what makes their approach excellent and how this addresses the main criteria of the awards which is promoting and enhancing the student learning experience. We have provided you with some key areas to consider in the form below to help you to articulate how the member of staff addresses the criteria.

Criteria for the student nomination:

Promoting and enhancing the student learning experience
• Motivating, stimulating and inspiring learning
• Imaginative use of resources
• Recognition of a diversity of learner needs
• A dedicated and committed approach to student learning

You can nominate using the online form or complete the word document and email it to

If you have any further questions contact Letizia Gramaglia, ext. 73109.