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Jackie Hodgson to train Greater Manchester Police officers

Next week, Jackie Hodgson - with the assistance of her PhD student, Divya Sukumar - will be training over 80 officers from Greater Manchester Police on safeguards for young suspects during police interrogation. This training session flows from Jackie's participation in a large-scale, EU-funded research project in collaboration with colleagues from four other jurisdictions. The project consists of a comparative empirical study of the different legal procedural safeguards for young suspects in place in Belgium, England and Wales, Italy, Poland and the Netherlands.

More information on the research project is available on the project website:

Fri 26 Feb 2016, 17:37

Society of Evidence Based Policing Conference - 22 June 2016

The Centre for Operational Police Research is delighted to be hosting the Midlands branch of the Society of Evidence Based Policing regional annual conference on 22 June 2016. COPR has obtained some funding from the Warwick's ESRC Impact Acceleration Account to host the conference which will look at how research can be used to inform policing best practice and policy.

Full Programme

Thu 04 Feb 2016, 14:44

Upcoming COPR Workshop: Public Confidence in Policing

Friday 9th October 2015, University of Warwick

On Friday 9th October 2015, COPR will be hosting a workshop on public confidence in policing that will feature speakers from the West Midlands Police. The event will convene in Room s2.12 at 10:30am for the first of its two sessions. Tea and coffee will be available in Room s2.09 from 10am. Lunch will also be served on the day and the event will conclude at 4pm. The event represents a valuable opportunity for discussion and interaction between academics researching policing related areas and policing practitioners on matters with significant policy relevance.

All COPR members are welcome and are encouraged to attend.
Wed 09 Sep 2015, 08:13

More Funding Secured: £20,000 from ESRC Impact Acceleration Account

Professor Jackie Hodgson and Associate Professor Kim Wade, along with Professor Neil Stewart and Dr Kevin Hearty have secured £20 000 from the ESRC Impact Acceleration Account to collaborate with West Mercia and Warwickshire Police. The funded project: “We don’t buy crime” will develop and evaluate the impact of Smartwater technology and other preventive interventions on public confidence in and satisfaction with the policing of burglary.

Fri 28 Aug 2015, 13:59

COPR Members Secure £40 000 from Warwick Strategic Impact Fund

Met Professors Neil Stewart (Psychology), Jackie Hodgson (Law) and Carsten Maple (WMG) have secured £40 000 from Warwick Strategic Impact Fund for collaborative work with the Metropolitan Police Service. The funding is set to help develop a network of academics and active police staff and officers around three central research projects.
Fri 28 Aug 2015, 13:25

COPR, Metropolitan Police & Behavioural Insights Team Networking Event

On Wednesday 26th August, COPR members met with Simon Ruda, Mónica Wills Silva, and Ross Broad from the Behavioural Insights Team, and A/Insp Iain Martin, DCI James Raphael, and DI Kirsty Goldsmith from the Metropolitan Police. The aim of the event was to discuss research priorities and collaborations for a behavioural insights group within the Metropolitan Police under the sponsorship of Commander Simon Letchford.

Fri 28 Aug 2015, 13:00

Interviewing suspects - Prof Ray Bull and Prof Paul Taylor

On Tuesday 10 March 2015, the Criminal Justice Centre, in conjunction with COPR, hosted a seminar on interviewing suspects that was delivered by Professor Ray Bull (Professor of Criminal Investigation at the University of Derby and Emeritus Professor of Forensic Psychology at the University of Leicester) and Professor Paul Taylor (Professor of Psychology at the University of Lancaster and Professor of Human Interaction at Twente University).

A healthy crowd including professorial staff, researchers, postgraduate and undergraduate students from the Schools of Law and Psychology listened to both speakers presenting their research on police interview techniques. Professor Bull drew on his previous and latest research on the disclosure of evidence to suspects, while Professor Taylor spoke about his extensive research on interpersonal sensemaking in cross-cultural interactions.

Both talks were followed by a number of questions from those in attendance that generated stimulating and thought provoking discussions about the methodological and theoretical implications of the research findings presented by both speakers.

Tue 17 Feb 2015, 14:06

Networking Lunch

The Centre for Operational Policing Research holding a networking lunch on 8th December, 12:00-14:30. The lunch is open to all researchers at Warwick working on projects with the police. If you would like to attend, please register.

Wed 19 Nov 2014, 13:28

Ross Ritchie selected to be a member of the MPS Detention External Consultation Group

6th November 2014, University of Warwick & MPS

Ross Ritchie, a Senior Teaching Fellow and Assistant Dean at Warwick Business School, has been selected to be a member of the 'Metropolitan Police Service Detention External Consultation Group'. The group will advise on the Operating Model and processes in MPS custody directorate.

Find more information about Ross' research interests on the COPR members page.

Thu 06 Nov 2014, 19:53

Dr. Nicky Miller from the College of Policing to visit Warwick

12th November 2014, University of Warwick

Nicky Miller from the College of Policing is due to visit Warwick next month to discuss some of the COPR's activities.

Find more information about the College of Policing here:

Wed 29 Oct 2014, 11:10

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