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COPR/WLS Research Seminar - Event Registration Form

Spycops, Subversion & Collateral Intrusion

Christopher Brian, The Undercover Research Group

Friday 31 January 2025 | 13:00-14:30 | The Junction - Room JX2.02

Between 1968 and 2010 hundreds of groups and thousands of individuals on the left of the political spectrum were targeted by intrusive police surveillance in what has become known as the Spycops scandal.

The author's organisation, the Undercover Research Group, at first concentrated on supporting those activists most effected by the surveillance – and worked piecing together the fragmentary and limited evidence that was in the public domain before the Undercover Policing Inquiry began. Now, with thousands of documents and hundreds of hours of testimony available, they work to assist activists in the inquiry, by collating and summarising this huge and unprecedented release of information detailing the workings of the secret state. Chris will give an overview of this work – as well as the potential research questions posed by this evidence.

This event is free of charge and open to all.

The seminar will be followed by tea, coffee and cake.

Speaker Bio: Christopher Brian is an activist-researcher with the Undercover Research Group. The social movements he belonged to, and the people he worked with were deeply affected by the intrusive surveillance carried out by the British Police. He lives in Cardiff.

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