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Areas of collaboration

What is Innovation?

We define ‘innovation’ not just in terms of the invention of new ideas, products, and services, but also in relation to the mindset and skillset required to be innovative. Students engage with innovation not just by producing original research or creating new businesses and social enterprises, but by learning key skills related to enterprise, entrepreneurship, and creativity. 
We recognise innovation in the Warwick curriculum across three broad dimensions: 
  1. Curriculum Content:
    • programmes and modules that include a specific focus on innovation, enterprise, and entrepreneurship, and 
    • programmes and modules that promote the development of skills and capabilities linked to innovation, enterprise, and entrepreneurship
  2. Curriculum Practice: approaches to teaching, learning, and assessment that apply innovative pedagogical, andragogical, and heutagogical approaches; and
  3. Extra Curricula Activity: additional pieces of the educational journey that enhance the student experience. This could, for example, include trips, non-credit courses, competitions, challenges, or engagement with student societies