Journal Articles
After the conference, the organisers (Siobhan Dytham and Carli Ria Rowell) arranged for a Special Feature to appear in the Exchanges Journal. The feature contains articles written by the organisers and some of the conference speakers, as well as special contributions from the keynote speakers (Professor Melanie Nind and Dr Nicola Ingram).
You can access the full special feature here, or select articles from the list below.
The special feature contains:
The special feature contains:
Introduction: Inequality in Education – Innovation in Methods, with reflections by Dr Nicola Ingram and Professor Melanie Nind
Carli Ria Rowell, Siobhan Dytham, Dr Nicola Ingram, Prof. Melanie Nind
Carli Ria Rowell, Siobhan Dytham, Dr Nicola Ingram, Prof. Melanie Nind
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words: Examining learners’ illustrations to understand Attitudes towards Mathematics
Farhat Syyeda
Farhat Syyeda
‘Interrupted Interviews’: listening to young people with autism in transition to college
Jacqui Shepherd
Jacqui Shepherd
Research with School Students: Four Innovative Methods Used to Explore Effective Teaching
Jessica Faye Heal
Jessica Faye Heal
Inequality in Education – Innovation in Methods: Reflections and Considerations
Siobhan Dytham, Carli Ria Rowell
Siobhan Dytham, Carli Ria Rowell
Reflective Blog Post
The organisers of the IEIM conference reflect on the process of applying for a conference grant and organising a conference. Read the blog post here.