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Introduction to Health Economics

Wednesday 25th April 2018| 9am to 5pm | GLT4 Warwick Medical School - Gibbet Hill Campus

Event cancelled - we apologise for any inconvenience caused

Dr Hema Mistry (

This advanced training workshop is for anyone who needs to understand how costs and benefits of health care interventions are evaluated and how health economics is used by decision makers in the health services.

The workshop will provide an understanding of:

  • the key health economic concepts,the principles involved in costing health care services,
  • the different health outcomes used in an economic analysis including the concept of quality-adjusted life years (QALYs),
  • the role of economic evaluations alongside randomised controlled trials, the role of decision modelling in economic evaluations,
  • how to use and interpret cost-effectiveness data, including the cost per QALY which is used to inform policy decisions.

Practical arrangments:

The workshop will have a mixture of lectures intertwined with breakout exercises and practical sessions.

Refreshments and lunch will be provided.

To access the practical computer session in the afternoon, you will require a Warwick systems login. If you are not a Warwick student, please provide a date of birth on the booking form so that a login can be created for your use on the day.

A small number of bursaries are available to non-Warwick students. If you would like to be considered for one of these bursaries please indicate your interest on the booking form. You will be notified if you have been sucessful in securing a bursary.

Car parking on Gibbet Hill campus can get really busy – so we would advise students to either to come in good time well before 9am to have the greatest chance in getting a car parking space at Gibbet Hill, to park on central campus and make the 15 minutes walk up through the woods to Gibbett Hill or to use public transport. (Remember: Gibbet Hill staff and students can park in car park 6 (next to the Health Centre) and then have a short walk up from main campus.)

To register your interest in this Advanced Training workshop please use the booking form.