The Reinvention Centre
- Was a collaborative project based in the Sociology DepartmentLink opens in a new window at Warwick and the School of the Built EnvironmentLink opens in a new window at Oxford Brookes
- Was part of a national Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCELink opens in a new window) initiative to create Centres for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (
CETLsLink opens in a new window)
- Promoted new methods in teaching and learning with a focus on research-based learning
- Redesigned the spaces in which students learnt
- Funded undergraduates to carry out research (£1,000)
- Published undergraduate research in the online, peer-reviewed journal 'Reinvention: a Journal of Undergraduate Research' (now managed by the Institute for Advanced Teaching and Learning)
- Funded academics and support staff to develop research-based teaching (£10,000)
In 2010 the Warwick half of the Reinvention Centre for Undergraduate Research merged with The CAPITAL Centre at Warwick to form IATL (the Institute for Advanced Teaching and Learning); the Brookes half was absorbed into the Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development.