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Faculties ICSI-10


The 10th International Conference on Silicon Epitaxy and heterostructures

The University of Warwick, Coventry, UK

Venue - Scarman House

14 -19th May 2017

Articles submission deadline to a special issue of IOP Semiconductor Science and Technology journal has been extended to 10th June 2017


Scientific program


ICSI-10 continues a series of very successful biennial conferences which began in 1999. The 10th ICSI will be held at The University of Warwick, Coventry, UK on 14-19th May 2017. ICSI is the premier conference for reporting all aspects of science, engineering, technologies and instrumentation of Silicon based epitaxy including the electronic, structural, optical, magnetic and transport properties of materials and devices.

The conference will reflect the latest achievements in Silicon based epitaxy and heterostructures and will serve as an unique forum for scientists and engineers from both academia and industry to discuss future research directions and technological advancements.

Held in Miyagi Zao, (Japan, 1999), Strasbourg (France 2001), Santa Fe (USA 2003), Awaji Island (Japan, 2005), Marseille (France 2007), Los Angeles (USA, 2009), Leuven (Belgium, 2011), Fukuoka (Japan, 2013) and Montreal (Canada, 2015) the ICSI continues its traditional rotation between Asia, Europe and America.

Traditionally ICSI conference run without parallel sessions in order to allow sufficient time for close stimulating interaction between participants and their engaging in the exchange of information and novel ideas.

The University of Warwick is located in the heart of England, 5 km from the centre of Coventry, on the border with Warwickshire. Middle of May is a beautiful and enjoyable time of the year in England. Together with an inspiring scientific program it provides an opportunity to explore British culture, historical and very famous surrounding areas.


1. Epitaxy of the group-IV semiconductors (Si, Ge, C, Sn and their alloys i.e. SiGe, GeSn, SiC etc): blanket and selective growth, materials characterization, theory and modelling
2. Processing: doping, etching, surface treatments, thermal treatments, oxidation, diffusion, contacts formation, interfaces
3. Low-dimensional structures: quantum wells, SLs, quantum wires, quantum dots
4. Strain tuning platforms: relaxed buffers and virtual substrates
5. Defects: characterization, generation and annihilation
6. III-V epitaxy on Si/SiGe/GeSn/SiC/SOI/SOS: GaN, InSb, GaAs, InGaAs, etc
7. Magnetic materials
8. 2D materials epitaxy: Germanene, Silicene, Stanine, Black Phosphorous, Graphene, etc
9. Oxides epitaxy
10. Interfaces: high-K interface, Metal Contact, electrical properties and characterization of interfaces
11. Wafers, materials, precursors
12. Epitaxy equipment technology
13. Metrology challenges
14. Devices: Group IV-based Electronic, Spintronic, Photonic, Thermoelectric, Photovoltaic, MEMS/NEMS, Sensors and Bio-Integrated Technologies
15. Emerging technologies

Invited speakers

Alexey Andreev Aleksey Andreev (Hitachi Europe, UK)

Carlos Augusto (Quantum Semiconductor, USA)

Yann Yann Bogumilowicz (CEA-LETI, France)

Karl Karl Eberl (MBE Komponenten Dr. Eberl, Germany)

Andriy Andriy Hikavyy (IMEC, Belgium)

Michel Michel Houssa (KU Leuven, Belgium)

M Lukosius Mindaugas Lukosius (IHP, Germany)

Maeda Tatsuro Maeda (AIST, Japan)

OussamaOussama Moutanabbir (École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada)

Doug Douglas Paul (University of Glasgow, UK)

Jonatan Jonatan Slotte (Aalto University, Finland)

Aurelie Aurelie Spiesser (AIST, Japan)

John Tolle John Tolle (ASM, USA)

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