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Call for Abstracts - Researching Brexit Conference, University of Durham

Call for Abstracts; Researching Brexit Conference

28-29 October 2019, University of Durham

The second Researching Brexit Conference hosted by the Researching Brexit Network will offer researchers the opportunity to consider Brexit from a range of different perspectives.

Call for abstracts for Post-Graduate students whose research is focussed on Brexit, or is heavily influenced by Brexit.

The deadline for submission of abstracts is 30th August 2019 to be emailed to

Please see the website for the full details of the call.

Wed 14 Aug 2019, 10:56

Eligibility for EU students starting in the 2020/21 academic year

The government has announced that EU nationals will remain eligible for Research Council studentships for the 2020/21 academic year on the same basis as is available at present.

Confirmation of this is on the UKRI Skills webpage here:

This webpage also includes a link to the government announcement of 4 July 2019 on this subject.

Thu 18 Jul 2019, 10:17

Overseas Institution Report: Chloe Waterman

Midlands Graduate School DTP student Chloe Waterman (Socio-Legal Studies, University of Birmingham) reporting back after her ESRC-funded Overseas Institution Visit to Linkoping University, Sweden.

Thu 11 Jul 2019, 11:01

UKRI Policy Internships Scheme

The Policy Internships Scheme provides the opportunity for doctoral students funded by the research councils of UK Research and Innovation to work for three months in one of a selected group of highly influential policy organisations.

Fri 28 Jun 2019, 12:18

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