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Applying for Funding from the DTP

The competition for pathway-specific ESRC Doctoral Training Partnership studentships commencing in October 2024 is closed. Applications for entry in October 2025 will open on Tuesday 1 October 2025 with a deadline of Tuesday 21 January 2025 (midday GMT).

We will also be offering a number of Collaborative and Strategic Joint project-led studentships for October 2025 entry. Information on the different projects available and how to apply will be published during late January and early February 2025 on our Collaborative and Strategic Joint Studentships page.

The Midlands Graduate School DTP makes an annual award of a large number of studentships to outstanding applicants across the Social Sciences. The studentships are linked to disciplinary and inter-disciplinary training pathways, and some have a built-in element of collaboration.

A Masters is not a prerequisite for studying at the Midlands Graduate School DTP. Students are able to apply directly from undergraduate programmes and we ring-fence a number of studentship awards for students applying straight from an undergraduate degree. A range of training programmes is available based on an assessment of the applicant’s prior learning and training needs, including a 1+3.5 award option, which includes a one-year Masters in Social Science Research before continuing onto PhD study.

All studentships are offered on a full- or part-time basis.

There are 17 training pathways available across the eight universities in the MGS consortium. Not all pathways are available at all universities. You can use the lists below to browse pathways and institutions, or you can download a PDF grid summarising who offers each pathway .

If you are not sure which training pathway your proposed research project fits into please contact the pathway lead at the university you would like to study at.

For information on submitting an MGS DTP scholarship application please visit our 'How to Apply' pagesLink opens in a new window. Please also check your eligibility by visiting our Eligibility Requirements pageLink opens in a new window to confirm whether you will be classed as a Home or International applicant under UKRI rules.

Browse by pathway

Select a pathway title from the list below to find out which consortium partner offers programmes in that area.

Browse by partner

Select a consortium partner from the list below to find out which pathways are offered at that university.

Applied Linguistics

Area Studies

Communication & Media and Museum Studies

Cross-disciplinary Methodologies and Advanced Data Analysis

Economic & Social History



Health & Wellbeing

Human Geography

Living in a Digital Society

Management & Business Studies and Finance

Political Science & International Relations


Socio-Legal Studies

Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology

Sport & Exercise Science

Sustainable Development, Net Zero and Climate Resilience

Aston University

University of Birmingham

De Montfort University

University of Leicester

Loughborough University

University of Nottingham

Nottingham Trent University

University of Warwick