Information on completing the MGS ESRC DTP Studentship Application
Step 1: Make sure you have applied for admission to your chosen university before you start
You must apply for admission to your chosen university for PhD admission, and obtain an Applicant ID Number, before you can make your MGS funding application. You must apply for PhD admission at this stage even if you are applying for Masters + PhD funding (a 1+3.5 award). If successful, you will receive guidance on which Masters course you will need to apply for.
Step 2: Read the Guidance Notes
Read the Guidance Notes for Midlands Graduate School ESRC DTP applicants fully before applying.
Step 3: The MGS funding application form
This online application form cannot be saved and must be completed in one go. Therefore, in order to help them complete the online form, applicants may find it useful to download a Word version of the application form available here . However, if you apply using this Word Document, your application will not be considered. You must apply using the online application form available hereLink opens in a new window.
In your funding application form you will be asked for more details about your research topic and given space to tell us about relevant achievements and experience in support of your studentship application.
You will also be asked for certain personal details so that the DTP can comply with ESRC reporting requirements. For each category you can select a ‘Prefer not to say’ option and the information collected in this form will only be used for the purpose of equal opportunities monitoring and will be shared with the ESRC in an anonymised manner to this end. These details will not be available to reviewers of your application.
Step 4: Supporting Documents
Please be aware that while you may already have submitted some of this information as part of your course application to your chosen university, we will require you to repeat it for the purposes of this form. Reviewers of the applications will only have access to the information included in this studentship application form. It is therefore important that you include all requested additional information with your funding application.
As outlined in the Guidance Notes as part of your online application you will need to upload:
Project Details Supporting Statement
- See question 6 of the guidance document
A completed ‘Supporting Statement from Prospective Lead Supervisor’
- Ask your prospective lead supervisor to complete the Supporting Statement form as part of your studentship application, available here as a Word Document . This will need to be directly uploaded by the applicant as part of the online funding application process. It is your responsibility to ensure that your lead supervisor completes this form.
Transcripts of your previous qualifications
As part of your ESRC DTP funding application, the Midlands Graduate School will also consider the two references submitted in support of your PhD application to your chosen university. Your references must be available by the funding application deadline.
Quick Links:
Important Note:
You will only be able to submit one funding application to the MGS DTP and you cannot apply for pathway funding at multiple MGS DTP institutions.
You must make sure that you have completed all relevant sections on the application form and uploaded all relevant documentation by the deadline: midday on Tuesday 21 January 2024 (12:00 GMT).
Incomplete applications will not be considered.