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PhD Opportunities

Our Research Themes

The MIBTP has an ambitious vision to train and deliver innovative, world class research across the Life Sciences, concentrating in BBSRC’s four priority Research Themes, with several specific topics within each. We also offer specific projects collaborating with our academics and industrial partners. To view the projects we currently have on offer, please follow the below links to either a Theme or Topic:

Industrial Collaboration Projects

Industrial Collaboration Projects
  • Research with impact
  • Industrial placement
  • Business skills training

NOTE: Studentships in this area are now open for application

Check your eligibility and apply here!

Recruitment for entry in October 2024 is now closed!

All of our studentships include hands-on training from experts in both theoretical and experimental approaches to bioscience.

All studentships funded by the MIBTP are also subject to the studentship terms and conditions set out in the BBSRC's Terms and Conditions.

Our Supervisors

We have hundreds of academics across several Departments, Schools, and Faculties at each of our partner universities looking to support new students. Our supervisors have their own MIBTP profiles, which you can find links to from their projects. To search through our supervisors and learn more about them, their research, and their support style, you can also have a look at our Supervisor Profiles directory.

PhD Outline

All MIBTP scholars will join a programme of skills training in year 1. Applicants are required to select an area of study but may join the programme with or without selecting a preferred project. Part of the skills training programme includes short rotation projects and students are able to choose a PhD project once they have experienced these differing research environments.

Potential PhD projects are provided to give applicants an idea of the breadth of research within MIBTP and specific research topics at each University. You can browse all projects via the links below, divided into specific areas within each theme. Additional projects will become available during Year 1 and students can work with potential supervisors during their first year to develop a particular project. We also offer CASE studentships for industrial collaborative research projects.

Studentships include:

  • Full tuition fees (at UK rate) *
  • a tax free annual stipend (in academic year 2023-24 this was £18,622.00)**
  • a travel allowance in year 1
  • a travel / conference budget
  • a generous consumables budget
  • use of a MacBook Pro for the duration of the programme.

* International scholarships are offered by some institutions. See the Application page for more information.

** An enhanced stipend is available for students with a recognised veterinary degree qualification (£27,820.00 per annum for 2023-2024).

Current Students

Our students have come to us via a variety of pathways; many straight from their UG education, others returning to study after a period in the workplace. We also boast a diverse cohort of students from all around the world, including Italy, Greece, Nigeria, Brazil, Ireland and the UK. Take a look at our student profiles to learn more about our students and the MIBTP experience.