MIBTP student advice for interviewees
We asked our current MIBTP students for their interview advice, and what they wished they could have told themselves before their interviews (thank you to our current students for this!)
Here are some quotes from our current students capturing the key elements of their advice:
“To get an interview the directors must be impressed with your CV...don't be humble - you've worked hard to get here!” |
“Read the information for the program very well so that you have an idea of how it is structured" |
“Even if there are questions you don't have an answer to, show willingness to learn and knowledge of how you would reach to the answer if needed.” |
“Relax - they are not trying to catch you out. Really.” |
“In general, the interview was relatively informal and we had a really nice chat.” |
“Take a deep breath, relax, and be confident in your science knowledge and be honest about what you need to learn during the PhD, because it is in fact a learning experience and you are not expected to know it prior.” |
“If the interview is in the morning, take the night prior to yourself. Or if the interview is in the afternoon, take the morning to yourself. Don't overwork yourself or be over-prepared as this can add to the stress if you do not answer every question perfectly.” |
“Remember that the interviewers have multiple, full days of interviews - so they're likely to seem a bit tired!” (Directors say: we'll have to increase our caffeine intake!) |