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Dr Ann Dixon

Supervisor Details

Ann Dixon

Contact Details

Dr Ann Dixon

Department of Chemistry, University of Warwick


Research Interests

I am currently interested in developing methods for describing the assembly, interactions and three-dimensional structures of membrane proteins - particularly membrane proteins associated with immune receptors such as the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and the B-cell receptor (BCR).

I am also interested in understanding and exploring the wide functionality of membrane-active helical peptides such as membrane curvature sensors and membrane-lytic antimicrobial peptides.

Scientific Inspiration

Right now, I am inspired by Professor Alice Roberts. She is an amazing scientist and an inspirational presenter – she makes science so accessible. The perfect role model for all young scientists who want to make a difference.

Research Groups

Dixon Group

MIBTP Project Details

Dr Ann Dixon is supervising no projects this year.