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Professor Andy Wilson

Supervisor Details

Andy Wilson

Contact Details

Professor Andy Wilson

School of Chemistry, University of Birmingham


Research Interests

The Wilson group are interested in the application of synthetic molecules to problems in Chemical Biology and Materials Science. We pursue both curiosity driven fundamental research and mission inspired research addressing societal challenges. The group is currently supported by The University of Birmingham, EPSRC and BBSRC. Our group is participating in several large-scale, multi-investigator programmes including SPIDR, a major BBSRC investment, and led on the EPSRC PoPPI Programme.

Scientific Inspiration

I don’t have a sole scientific inspiration – they are in so many places. My supervisors – David Leigh FRS, Andy Hamilton FRS and Bert Meijer, my other mentors, collaborators, current and former co-workers!

MIBTP Project Details

Previous Projects (2024-25)

Primary supervisor for: