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Dr Emma Redman


Dr Emma Redman
University of Leicester
Contact Details

Link to staff profile / lab pageLink opens in a new window

Who is your scientific inspiration and why?

Professor Keith Frayn is an Emeritus Professor of Human Metabolism at the University of Oxford. Keith’s work was the go-to for my undergraduate and PhD work. His work stands the test of time, and I was present when he received the British Nutrition Society’s first ever Blaxter Award, to honour a lifetime achievement in whole body metabolism and animal nutrition. He is inspirational and approachable.

In three words or phrases how would you describe your supervision style?

Effective, collaborative, authentic

In one or two sentences please describe your strategies regarding the following.
Provision of training:

Collaboratively with the student we will regularly review training needs and adapt plans as the project progresses. Alongside this, throughout the studentship I will expect the student to take ownership and responsibility for identifying and engaging in opportunities to continue their development.

Progression monitoring and management:

The student and I will have regular review meetings. Initially the student will be supported to plan and manage their project workload. I expect the student to take responsibility for reporting on progress and managing their time to ensure tasks are completed on time.


I am happy to discuss any issues that are impacting the student’s ability to fulfil their potential or my/our expectations. I encourage regular dialogue, in person, by emails and/or virtual calls to manage expectations, drive and support development.

How often do your PhD students see you in a timetabled group meeting?

At least once a month

In year 1 of PhD study, how often do your PhD students have a scheduled >30 minute 1:1 meeting with you?

At least once per month

In year 2 of PhD study, how often do your PhD students have a scheduled >30 minute 1:1 meeting with you?

At least once per month

In year 3 of PhD study, how often do your PhD students have a scheduled >30 minute 1:1 meeting with you?

At least once per month

What form do your 1:1 meetings with PhD students take?

A mixture of face to face or via video chat or telephone.

Open door policy?

Yes, but my pattern of being contactable for an instant response is not predictable.

My expectation of PhD student working patterns?

The timing of work in my lab is completely flexible, and (other than attending pre-arranged meetings), I expect students to manage their own time.

Notice for feedback (e.g. on reports, manuscript drafts, thesis chapters)?

I need at least 2 week’s notice to provide feedback on written work of up to 5000 words.