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Dr Fredrik Schaufelberger

Supervisor Details

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Dr Fredrik Schaufelberger

Department of Chemistry, University of Warwick

Research Interests

Biomedical Molecular Machinery

Artificial molecular machines have huge potential in modern biomedicine, for example as adaptive biosensors and smart drug delivery vehicles. We develop molecular machines based on mechanically interlocked molecules such as rotaxanes and catenanes to meet challenges in modern therapeutics and diagnostics.

Smart and adaptive biomaterials

Equipping traditional biomaterials with stimuli-responsive features can open pathways to a new brand of regenerative medicine with unprecedented precision and efficiency. We are developing dynamic and printable glycopolymers that change functionality in response to for example light, pH changes and chemical stimuli.

Molecular Motion in Water

Our group has a fundamental interest in controlling the motion of mechanically interlocked molecules in aqueous and biogenic environments. Knowing how to control the relative positioning of components in for example rotaxane shuttles will be vital to harness the unique properties of molecular machinery for improving human health.

Properties of the mechanical bond

We are using the toolbox of physical organic chemistry to understand mechanical bonds and the properties of mechanically interlocked molecules. Understanding how molecular entanglements alter chemical properties can hopefully be useful in creating novel sensors, catalysts and adaptive functional material.

Scientific Inspiration

I have two answers to that question. For a specific person, I am very inspired by 2022 Nobel Laureate Caroline Bertozzi for how she manages to combine ground-breaking interdisciplinary research transcending boundaries, with an advocacy for marginalised groups, commitment to spreading awareness of science to the general public and a fantastic enthusiasm and passion for chemistry. My other answer would be that I am inspired by all scientist fathers and mothers who manages to combine making outstanding research with being a present and caring parent to the ones in our lives that need us the very most.

Research Groups

The Schaufelberger Lab

MIBTP Project Details

Current Projects (2025-26)

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