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Professor James McDonald

Supervisor Details

J McDonald

Contact Details

Professor James McDonald

School of Biosciences, University of Birmingham


Research Interests

Research in Professor McDonald’s group focusses on the following broad themes:

  • Investigating the role of the oak microbiome in health and disease, characterising microbial disease suppression, engineering the oak microbiome to future-proof tree health and combat tree disease.
  • Characterising the microbial processes of waste biomass conversion to biogas in landfill sites and anaerobic digestion plants to develop engineered microbiomes for enhanced waste conversion to biogas.
  • Integrating knowledge on microbiome engineering and microbiome science across diverse systems (e.g. plants, humans, industrial systems) to identify key scientific principles that underpin microbiome assembly and function.

Project Details

Professor James McDonald is supervising no projects this year.