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Dr Ko-Fan Chen

Supervisor Details


Contact Details

Dr Ko-Fan Chen

Department of Genetics and Genome Biology, University of Leicester

Research Interests

Broadly speaking the Chen lab is interested in two aspects of sleep research:

  • How environmental factors influence sleep and circadian behaviours?
  • How sleep-related cellular mechanisms modulate progress of human diseases?

These research questions are addressed using the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster as an experimental model, allowing the application of diverse methods to identify evolutionary conserved molecular mechanisms.

The group works closely with various research groups across departments in following expertises

  • Behavioural Neurogenetics

  • Neurodegeneration

  • Social Epigenetics

  • Ophthalmology

  • Neurophysiology

  • Cancer

Scientific Inspiration

My attitude toward scientific research is shaped by Professor Ralf Stanewsky, my PhD supervisor. Under his mentorship, I have learned to be thorough when collecting and describing biological data, and to let it guide my investigation with open mind. To see more information about my scientific upbringing and inspiration, please visit

MIBTP Project Details

Previous Projects (2024-25)

Primary supervisor for:

Co-supervisor on a project with Professor Eamonn Mallon.

Previous Projects (2023-24)

Primary supervisor for: