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Dr Katja Kornysheva

Supervisor Details

Katja Kornysheva

Contact Details

Dr Katja Kornysheva

School of Psychology, University of Birmingham


Research Interests

Dr Kornysheva studies the physiological and informational processes underlying action planning and execution, sequencing and timing, as well as disorders of the latter. Her goal is to further basic understanding of skilled behaviour and develop entry-points for interventions that to boost learning and performance in patients and the healthy population. To address these goals her lab uses novel sequence learning paradigms in combination with brain, muscular and behavioural recordings (fMRI, MEG/EEG, EMG, dynamics, kinematics, motor timing) and neural pattern analyses.

Scientific Inspiration

Eric Kandel for his insatiable scientific curiosity, breadth of thinking (historian turned neuroscientist) and positivity.

Research Groups

Kornysheva Lab

Project Details

Dr Katja Kornysheva is supervising no projects this year.