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Professor Kevin Paterson

Supervisor Details

Kevin Paterson

Contact Details

Professor Kevin Paterson

School of Psychology and Vision Sciences, University of Leicester


Research Interests

My research uses high precision measures of eye movements to understand the cognitive processes that enable people read and understand text. I have studied this topic across the lifespan, examining children's reading development, skilled adult reading, and the impact of cognitive ageing on reading.

My most recent research has used simultaneous recording of eye movements and EGG to understand the neural basis of cognitive ageing effects in reading.

I have also worked collaboratively on eye movement research on cognitive processes in reading across different writing systems including Arabic, Chinese, English and Mongolian.

My research has benefited from funding from UK research councils (BBSRC, ESRC), The British Academy, The Alzheimer’s Society, The Leverhulme Trust, and The Ulverscroft Foundation.

Research group projects
  • An ESRC-funded project led by Sarah White is concerned with revealing the implications of reading strategy for reading behaviour and comprehension: ESRC Reading Goals Project
  • An ESRC-funded project with Ascen Pagan and in collaboration with Simon Liversedge (University of Central Lancashire) and Federica Degno (University of Southampton) is pioneering new methods for investigating the neural correlates of effects of cognitive ageing in natural reading: ESRC Ageing and Reading Project
  • An ESRC Catalyst grant with Sarah Gunn (PI) and John Maltby focused on methods of assessing healthy cognitive ageing.
  • A project funded by the Leverhulme Trust, with Ruth Filik (University of Nottingham) is examining ageing effects on reading comprehension.

    Project Details

    Professor Kevin Paterson is supervising no projects this year.