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Professor Mike Hannon

Supervisor Details

Mike Hannon

Contact Details

Professor Mike Hannon

School of Chemistry, University of Birmingham


Research Interests

Mike's research lies at the interface between chemistry and the life sciences and is focused on metal complexes in biology and medicine as both imaging agents and therapeutics. He has expertise in synthetic chemistry (organic, supramolecular, nanoscale) and in applying biophysical methods to recognition of different DNA structures. In particular his work on the non-covalent recognition of DNA Y-shaped junctions has transformed the field of study and prompted a sudden and growing international activity in exploring the use of metallo-supramolecular structures in DNA recognition and as anti-cancer drugs.

Scientific Inspiration

Professor Jean-Marie Lehn (Nobel laureate) from Strasbourg because he combines vision and foresight with excellence science.

Project Details

Professor Mike Hannon is supervising no projects this year.