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Dr Martin Higgs

Supervisor Details

Martin Higgs

Contact Details

Dr Martin Higgs

Institute of Cancer and Genomic Sciences, University of Birmingham


Research Interests

Martin’s current research focuses around identifying how cells respond to and resolve DNA damage, particularly that arising during DNA replication.

He is particularly interested in elucidating how protein Lysine methylation contributes to safeguarding genome stability, and in identifying novel factors involved in this response. He is also interested in elucidating how deficiencies in these pathways contribute to human disease.

He also maintains a long-standing interest in the impact of chronic viral infection on this process, and on the consequences of this on the DNA damage response during carcinogenesis.

For more details, please visit his lab page.

Current Projects

  • Assessing the impact of histone methylation on DNA repair and anti-cancer therapies.
  • Investigating the role of lysine methyltransferases in maintaining genome stability.
  • Uncovering new roles for non-histone methylation in DNA repair and replication.
  • Profiling mutations in the lysine methylation apparatus and the impact on genomic stability.
  • Investigating how genome instability contributes to rare diseases caused by mutations in lysine methyltransferases.

Project Details

Dr Martin Higgs is supervising no projects this year.