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Dr Megan McDonald

Supervisor Details

Megan McDonald

Contact Details

Dr Megan McDonald

School of Biosciences, University of Birmingham


Research Interests

Dr McDonald uses next-generation sequencing tools identify and characterise virulence genes from fungal pathogens of wheat and barley. To do this she has worked extensively with long-read de novo genome assembly, genome annotation and transposon annotation. Her background is in population genetics of plant pathogens, studying their origins and global movement during her graduate studies. More recent interests include transposon mediated horizontal gene transfer and 3D chromosomal reconstruction techniques using sequencing data.

Fungal plant pathogens, genomics, long-read sequencing, genome plasticity, horizontal gene transfer, horizontal transposon transfer.

Scientific Inspiration

I would not say that I ever had a specific famous scientist that inspired me to pursue a career in research. I had the opportunity as an undergraduate to work in a research lab and was amazed by the freedom I had to pursue any biological question that interested me. This freedom is what really inspires me to learn as much as I can about pathogenic fungi, with the aim of designing dynamic control strategies that can adapt as quickly as fungi do.

MIBTP Project Details

Previous Projects (2024-25)

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Previous Projects (2023-24)

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