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Dr Malgorzata Wiench

Supervisor Details

Malgorzata Wiench

Contact Details

Dr Malgorzata Wiench

School of Dentistry, University of Birmingham


Research Interests

Uniquely based between the School of Dentistry in the Institute of Clinical Sciences and the Institute of Cancer and Genomic Medicine she aims to understand the mechanisms by which chromatin organization and DNA methylation regulate gene expression in health and disease and to develop the basis for patient-tailored epigenetic cancer therapies. The investigations focus on the role of nuclear receptors, DNA methylation and hydroxymethylation in the functioning of distal regulatory elements.

Research themes

  • Gene regulation.
  • Cancer epigenetics.
  • DNA methylation and hydroxymethylation.
  • Chromatin organization.
  • Epigenetic therapies.

Research Groups

Oral Diseases

Project Details

Dr Malgorzata Wiench is supervising no projects this year.