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Professor Martin Wills

Supervisor Details

Martin Wills

Contact Details

Professor Martin Wills

Department of Chemistry, University of Warwick


Research Interests

I am currently interested in:

  • Synthetic chemistry and asymmetric catalysis.
  • Enantioselective ketone reduction using transfer hydrogenation and asymmetric carbon-carbon bond forming reactions using homochiral transition metal catalysts.
  • Total and partial synthesis of natural products.
  • Development of supported reagents for synthesis.
  • My Research Group uses a wide range of structural and analytical techniques such as infra-red, NMR, mass spectrometry, X-ray diffraction etc.

Scientific Inspiration

Professor Steve Davies, Oxford, who was my PhD supervisor, for his endlessly enthusiastic and hard-working attitude.

    Research Groups

    Martin Wills Group

    Project Details

    Professor Martin Wills is supervising no projects this year.