In three words or phrases: High expectations. Attention to detail. Your PhD success is essential.
Provision of Training
In the early stages I will be with you in the lab and teaching you directly, with plenty of suggestions. As you become more confident, I expect you to lead and solve problems yourself. My group will be there to guide and advise, and I expect you to talk to them. My group has varied between 4-10 in number over the years, i.e., quite a small group, and I work closely with each student to maximise outputs and achievements. I will advise you on job opportunities, cv, conference attendance etc. so that you gain vital experience in these important areas.
Progression Monitoring and Management
Formal fortnightly meetings with a written report and a timetabled meeting. Presentations through group meetings, to which I would like you to contribute fully. I will be available every day that I am in (which is most days) to give you advice. I will read through every report and presentation you give. I will frequently ask you how things are going and suggest ideas for you. I don’t set any fixed hours – you just need to get great results to make sure you get a PhD.
Happy to talk and communicate anytime. Late night and weekend messages are not a problem, although I might not reply immediately, and I don’t expect you to reply ‘out of hours’ either. I’ve seen most things now. I don’t regard any question as a silly question. I will have lots of questions for you and will test your understanding in depth. If you are the sort of person who likes to get on with things by themselves for days at a time without interruption then I am probably not the right supervisor for you.
PhD Students can expect scheduled meetings with me:
In a group meeting
At least once per fortnight
In year 1 of PhD study
At least once per fortnight
In year 2 of PhD study
At least once per fortnight
In year 3 of PhD study
At least once per fortnight
The meetings will be face to face and I am usually contactable for an instant response (if required) on every working day.
Working Pattern
The timing of work in my lab is completely flexible, and (other than attending pre-arranged meetings), I expect students to manage their own time.
Notice Period for Feedback
I need at least 1 week’s notice to provide feedback on written work of up to 5000 words.