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Dr Nicole Robb

Dr Nicole Robb

Dr Nicole Robb
University of Warwick
Contact Details

Link to staff profile / lab pageLink opens in a new window

Who is your scientific inspiration and why?

Dorothy Hodgkin, not only an exceptional Noble prize-winning scientist but a great role-model for balancing work with family.

In three words or phrases how would you describe your supervision style? Supportive,

Supportive, freedom to explore, career-development

In one or two sentences please describe your strategies regarding the following.
Provision of training:

I take a very hands-on approach to training new students and will work with you myself as much as I can. As you progress and become more confident you will be encouraged to try out new methods and approaches independently. I like to pair up new students with a more experienced post-doc or student to give some additional support when needed.

Progression monitoring and management:

I like to be kept up to date on progress, but I’m not a micro-manager. We will have regular individual meetings (to talk through not only the ups but also the downs!) as well as group meetings where you will get the chance to present your results more formally. I respect people taking ownership of their project, and am open to suggestions for new directions or approaches. Most of all, I’m here to give advice and guidance when you need it.


We use email or Teams to chat to each other, and we have a WhatsApp group chat with which we regularly communicate when we aren’t in the lab.

How often do your PhD students see you in a timetabled group meeting?

    At least once per week

    In year 1 of PhD study, how often do your PhD students have a scheduled >30 minute 1:1 meeting with you?

    At least once per week

    In year 2 of PhD study, how often do your PhD students have a scheduled >30 minute 1:1 meeting with you?

    At least once per fortnight

    In year 3 of PhD study, how often do your PhD students have a scheduled >30 minute 1:1 meeting with you?

    At least once per fortnight

    What form do your 1:1 meetings with PhD students take?

    A mixture of face to face or via video chat or telephone.

    Open door policy?

    Yes, I am usually contactable for an instant response (if required) on every working day.

    My expectation of PhD student working patterns?

    The timing of work in my lab is completely flexible, and (other than attending pre-arranged meetings), I expect students to manage their own time.

    Notice for feedback (e.g. on reports, manuscript drafts, thesis chapters)?

    I need at least 1 week’s notice to provide feedback on written work of up to 5000 words.