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Dr Romy Froemer

Supervisor Details

Romy Froemer

Contact Details

Dr Romy Froemer

School of Psychology, University of Birmingham


Research Interests

Dr Froemer studies the switches by which people flexibly adjust how they learn and make decisions, and how they set these switches according to their momentary goals and motivational states. To address these questions, she combines behavioural measures, computational modelling, eye-tracking, psychophysiological recordings and/or neuroimaging techniques. The long-term goal of her work is to identify levers that empower people to improve not only their learning and decision-making, but also how they feel about it.

  • Learning
  • Decision-making
  • Motivation
  • Metacognition
  • Cognitive Control

Scientific Inspiration

My research is inspired by a range of people, out of the box thinkers like Rasha Abdel Rahman and Amitai Shenhav, curious lifelong learners like Matthew Nassar and knowledge beasts like Michael J Frank. In terms of scientific overlap, I believe I am most inspired by Nick Yeung. All of these people are not only fantastic researchers, but also kind and supportive mentors who know how to instil the same curiosity in their mentees and pass on their knowledge. This is another reason I find them inspiring.

MIBTP Project Details

Previous Projects (2024-25)

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