In three words or phrases: Supportive, collaborative, inclusive.
Provision of Training
My preference is to meet regularly to discuss strategy and provide guidance, whilst letting the postdocs provide technical training. I would expect independence will gradually build up.
Progression Monitoring and Management
I like to be kept up to date on progress and to discuss progress regularly. I would typically set out expectations from the outset and then allows these to develop with new ones emerging as the project progresses. I am always available for guidance and support and it is important to me to help with progression and completion.
Communication is the keystone for good working and I try very hard to get communication correct. This will develop professionally via regular meetings of the research group and use of email and Teams to make regular contact. I am always available to discuss issues and work through them.
In a group meeting
At least once per fortnight
In year 1 of PhD study
At least once per week
In year 2 of PhD study
At least once per fortnight
In year 3 of PhD study
At least once per fortnight
The meetings will be a mixture of face to face, via video chat or telephone and although I have an open door policy my pattern of being contactable for an instant response is not predictable.
Working Pattern
The timing of work in my lab is completely flexible, and (other than attending pre-arranged meetings), I expect students to manage their own time. However, where activities are scheduled for set times, then I expect attendance at that time. Students need to be able to commit to a rota/timetable shared with other members of the team.
Notice Period for Feedback
I need at least 1 week’s notice to provide feedback on written work of up to 5000 words.