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Dr Samantha Strong

Supervisor Details

Research Interests

My main area of research interest is visual perception, with a focus on motion processing related to optic flow. I am also interested in how the brain processes visual durations/ temporal experience. Currently I am investigating this through two key strategies:

1) Investigation of motion-sensitive visual areas in the human brain.

These projects aim to identify the functional differences and connections between motion-sensitive visual areas in the human brain (MT/TO-1, MST/TO-2, V3A). This involves the use of neuroimaging (fMRI), neurostimulation (TMS), and behavioural measures (psychophysics).

2) Impact of pathology on perception.

Increases in blur or reduction in contrast can affect perception of moving scenes; these projects investigate the threshold-level perception of individuals with cataracts.

MIBTP Project Details

Previous Projects (2024-25)

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Previous Projects (2023-24)

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