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Anjana Radhakrishnan (Warwick MIBTP)

Name: Anjana Radhakrishnan
1. What is your home university, what department and lab are you in?

University of Warwick, School of Life Sciences, Fullam Lab (Dr. Liz Fullam)

2. What type of studentship are you on? CASE, iCASE, etc.

Normal - MIBTP

3. How did you organise your accommodation for the first year?

Private rental accommodation through an estate agent two months before the course started.

4. How did you manage commuting to UoW for the first term?

Car – PGR parking permits are available for us to purchase.

5. How did you organise your mini-projects?

My home mini project is the same as my PhD project, I asked her for recommendations from the list of potential PIs in Birmingham.

6. How did you organise your PIPS?

Emailed contacts from list, tried to think of other contacts and spoke to other students. The PIP I had initially organised fell through, so I had to find an alternative part way. Still a valuable experience.

7. Is there anything you wished you'd known before you started?

Commuting to an away university can be tiring (especially in the winter months), but the supervisors are very understanding of this.