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Case Studies

Here are some case studies of SimLean in Healthcare

Accident and Emergency (A&E)

Abstract: Simlean Educate was employed as part of a one day improvement workshop at a large teaching hospital trust looking at patient flow in A & E. This early application of SimLean Educate sought to demonstrate the flow of patients into A&E using the hospital's own patient arrival data. The workshop successfully brought together a broad representation of A&E hospital staff including a number of medical consultants to look at a Simulation model of their own process to consider options for process improvement

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Children's Assessment and Observation (A&O)

Abstract: SimLean Facilitate was employed in a medium sized Foundation Trust hospital that has an established Lean improvement programme that is reasonably advanced. A team of paediatric doctors, staff nurses, matrons and ward clerks came together for a 5 day event that sought to improve the flow of patients through A&O and either onto the ward or discharge.

To find out how SimLean Facilitate assisted staff in improving the process read more here


Abstract: In August 2010 SimLean Educate was used as part of a one day improvement workshop looking at patient flow in theatres in a large hospital Trust. The event kicked off with two representatives from the University of Warwick presenting 'A generalised simulation of a theatre process' using some key introductory examples to explore the effect of batched patient arrivals, 100% resource utilisation and safeguarding resources...

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Abstract: In July 2010 SimLean Educate was used as part of a 5 day improvement workshop looking at diagnostic radiologist procedures, in particular CT and MRI Scans. SimLean Educate was used here to debunk some common myths around patient the concept of 'flow' and help team members identify 'flow' in the process under study and what factors currently impede that flow. more.....

Singapore (NUHS)

Abstract: in writing

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