In this section we plan to post information, documents and links to resources of interest to WCE members.
Cultural value: some recent publications
Bakhshi, Hasan, Ian Hargreaves and Juan Mateos-Garcia (2013) A Manifesto for the Creative Economy , NESTA, April 2013
Bilton, Chris (2012) Happenstance Report , NESTA, December 2012
British Council, (2013) Culture Means Business: How international cultural relationships contribute to increased trade and competitiveness for the UK
Devine, Paula, and Lizanne Dowds (2013), Understanding Society: Culture, arts and leisure in the UK regions, Final Report , ARK Northern Ireland
Miller, Maria, Testing times: Fighting culture’s corner in an age of austerity, delivered 24 April 2013, (Accessed 24 June 2013)
Tims, Charlie and Shelagh Wright (2013), The Invisible Hand: Art in the transition to another ecnomy , British Council Fresh Perspectives, Paper 2