The Polymer Club is our consortium for external partners: industry, local and UK government, and non-government organizations (NGOs). It was launched in 2013 at the University of Warwick with the aim of providing an incubator platform to exchange ideas, collaborate, and discuss current and future research and education in polymer science and engineering and consider its findings in their societal, political, and cultural contexts.
For all who work in a polymer-related field in industry, local and UK government, and non-government organizations (NGOs), we invite you to our Autumn 2024 Polymer Club meeting, to be held on Monday, 11 November 2024, at the University of Warwick. The event will start in the early afternoon after lunch with a set of talks from companies and academia, followed by a poster and drinks reception where the latest polymer science will be showcased. The meeting concludes with a complimentary dinner to stimulate networking.
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