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Warwick Infectious Disease Epidemiology Research

Warwick Infectious Disease Epidemiology Research

WIDER has now merged with System Biology to form the Zeeman Institute.

These pages are historical and will not be up-dated.

Please go to the Zeeman Insititute pages for more information.

WIDER (Warwick Infectious Disease Epidemiology Research) centre is a cross-department, interdisciplinary group who focus on understanding and predicting the spread and control of many infectious diseases. Our research spans from high profile pathogens including pandemic influenza, malaria, bovine tuberculosis and foot-and-mouth disease, to less well-publicised diseases such as respiratory syncytical virus, foot-rot and European foulbrood.

We use a range of scientific techniques from mathematical models and statistical analysis to field experiments and questionnaires, which together provide a more holistic picture of the transmission of infection and the likely impact of control.

General Information & Impact

Our friendly guide to the work we do in WIDER, and how it impacts lives and livelihoods in the UK and around the world


A more technical summary of our interests and on-going research, from the field to the lab to the computer.


Who is in WIDER? What do they do? A list of members together with their research interests.


PDRA avilable to work with Nokes & Keeling. PhD places at MathSys CDT.