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SBIDER Interdisciplinary Applied Health Meeting Series

Registration for Interdisciplinary Applied Health Meeting

This is the first of a series of meetings aiming to foster collaboration between the ‘health sciences’ in Warwick (WMS (applied health and biomedicine), Psychology, CIDD) and the physical sciences (Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science, Physics, WMG and Engineering).

This meeting focuses the interface of applied health and mathematical sciences (in the broadest sense), aiming to build up an awareness of what is going on within Warwick with a view to potential collaboration. The interest is in health problems (and data sets) where more sophisticated data analysis techniques or modelling might be usefully exploited. Please come and participate.

Registration helps us to gauge numbers for refreshments and lunch. If you register after the 14th May we may not be able to accommodate special dietary requirements.

(If you are signed in this form autofills).

Tuesday 21st May 10.30am-3.30pm.

GLT 3 (Gibbet Hill Campus).


This form is closed and is no longer accepting any submissions as the event has passed. Thank you for your time.